Creativity development workshop
What is the relationship between art and business?
Both require a lot of creativity!
Creativity can be expressed when developing a new product, trying to solve a problem, when there is a need to grow or when dealing with a certain decline.
Since the dawn of history, people have found painting to be a pragmatic and unshakable way to convey messages and express themselves without filters. I don't just say that everything is possible on the canvas. It is precisely this freedom that trains the mind to think differently from what we are taught in schools and further studies.
This is how the idea was born to build a workshop to develop creativity especially for businesses and companies.
Because creativity is mental flexibility.
is the ability to look at a problem from several angles.
Creativity is your route to shine, bring a different approach, leave a mark.
The creativity development workshop is a unique workshop that combines work with your hands and other tools, a lot of color, joy and happiness and also some significant exercises that will open your mind.
The workshop is suitable for teams of up to 15 people.
The workshop can take place at your offices or at our studio.
Creativity is a critical engine for success in life
It manifests itself in every aspect of our work life - creative problem solving, the ability to see a situation from several points of view, the ability to arrange the regular things in a different order, the ability to activate different areas of our brain that normally rest.
Creative people do not necessarily engage in art, at the same time art has the ability to awaken and illuminate all abilities and skills for developing creativity.
Let us debunk an urban legend - you don't have to be a Van Gogh to create, to enjoy the creative process and the development of the skills associated with this process. Most of the most famous painters - do not paint "beautifully" but mainly found their way to express themselves through art.
So what do you develop while painting?
You increase executive function, such as planning, decision making and attention.
You raise the level of learning and the enjoyment of learning while moving.
You improve the ability to focus, memory and concentration.
You improve your time and physical space management abilities.
You develop problem solving skills.
You are engaged in a stress-reducing activity.
You train the brain and improve its plasticity.
Should I continue?
Studies show that all humans enjoy the fruits of painting and art.
Are you analytical people? Excellent - you should stop and give training to the creative parts of the brain, they are the ones that will improve your analytical abilities with repeated feeding.
Looking for an amazing workshop for your employees?
Give them a moment of art.
The workshop is led by:
Nofar Tsuk - gifted painter and host of painting workshops, MBA graduate of Tel Aviv University, combines the business world with the world of art.
Sandra Melamed Dadon - entrepreneur in the field of HR, accompanying managers for over 15 years.